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Understanding Wild Turkey Breeding Seasons

Wild turkeys exhibit a range of behaviors during mating season. These include gobbling, strutting, and establishing a pecking order. Understanding these behaviors, including turkey courtship and female turkey mating behavior, can help a hunter be more successful in the woods. Let’s take a look at what you need to know.

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Do Deer Eat Grapefruit?

Yes, deer will eat grapefruit! Some people outside the hunting and agricultural industries are often surprised to learn that deer will eat just about anything. Deer will eat crops, grasses, vegetation, acorns, and nuts. This

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a buck with crypto antlers

What Is a Cryptorchid Buck?

Bewilderment often befalls you when you first spot a cryptorchid buck. It’s a rare and unusual whitetail deer, distinguished by its velvet-covered antlers and distinct lack of typical buck behavior. Cryptorchid bucks suffer from cryptorchidism,

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deer eating leaves and blueberries

Do Deer Eat Blueberries

For experienced bowhunters, understanding deer attraction to certain foods, like blueberries, is critical. Indeed, deer are drawn to these fruits for their sweetness and nutritional value, feeding on both wild and cultivated varieties. Your blueberry

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two turkey on a meadow

Best Food Plots for Turkeys

Creating a compelling food plot for turkeys is like crafting the perfect meal. The right mix can significantly enhance turkey activity on your land. This guide focuses on top choices for experienced bowhunters: clover and

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deer in fog sighting

Do Deer Move in the Fog

Understanding deer movement in fog is critical for experienced bowhunters. Fog does affect deer behavior significantly. In light fog, deer continue their normal activities. However, they typically seek cover in dense fog, awaiting clearer conditions.

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Heater for your tent

Can Deer Smell Propane Heaters

As the morning chill of hunting season nips at your nose, you’re nestled next to your propane heater, pondering a crucial question: can deer smell this? Experienced hunters have debated this hotly. Some are confident

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deer s impressive hearing abilities

How Far Can Deer Hear?

Imagine you’re out in the wilderness, quietly stalking a deer. You might wonder how far this creature can hear. Deer have an excellent sense of hearing, far better than ours. With their large, swiveling ears,

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buck in the dark full moon

Does Moon Phase Affect Deer Movement

You might not know, but there’s a heated debate about whether the moon’s phases affect deer movement. As a seasoned hunter, you’re accustomed to the patience and strategy involved in the hunt, but have you

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a buck walking through a frosty meadow

Why Bucks Suddenly Leave Your Property

As the saying goes, ‘change is the only constant.’ You’ve probably noticed the bucks that once were a regular part of your landscape have suddenly upped and left. Is it something you’ve done, or is

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group of young deer

Where Do Bucks Go When Bachelor Groups Scatter?

Understanding bachelor groups of bucks is crucial in anticipating their movements post-dispersion. These groups exhibit complex social dynamics, with a clear dominance hierarchy shaping their interactions. The strongest, most mature bucks typically assert dominance, influencing

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mule deer walking through grass foraging

Why Do Deer Stomp Their Feet?

When a deer gently taps the earth, it’s not practicing its dance moves—communicating with its kin. As you watch this graceful creature, you might wonder why it pounds the ground with such intention. It’s a

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deer s running speed analysis

How Fast Does a Deer Run

As quick as a flash, you spot a deer sprinting across the forest clearing. You might ask yourself how fast that deer’s legs carry it away. Well, you’re in the right place to find out.

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wild hog red light

Do Wild Hogs See Red Lights?

Embarking on a moonlit adventure, you step into the realm of wild hog hunting, armed with determination and your hog light. The question lingers: Can this specialized tool truly outsmart the wild hog’s senses? Do

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deer at night but not nocturnal

Nocturnal Bucks Do They Exist??

The nocturnal behavior of bucks has long posed a challenge for hunters and conservationists. Do they even exist, and how can we effectively hunt and manage these elusive creatures? Is there such a thing as

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White Tail Deer standing and looking

How to Find Deer Bedding Areas

Have you ever wondered how to find out where deer are bedding? We are going to answer that question for you! Understanding their preferred bedding areas can set up a game plan to hunt them

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What Time Do Turkeys Come Off The Roost?

Ah, the age-old question that’s been haunting turkey hunters since the dawn of time (or at least since turkeys have been hunted): what time do turkeys come off the roost? After countless early mornings spent

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a whitetail deer jumping over a fence

How High Can Whitetail Deer Jump?

Whitetail deer are known for their agility and overall athleticism, allowing them to avoid predators and dodge danger under various conditions. When stressed or scared, deer can run remarkably, covering ground much faster than most

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Buck FOrage Oats Bag and

When To Plant Buck Forage Oats

With each year, an ever-growing number of hunters are coming to recognize the value of planting food plots. Generally speaking, thoughtfully planted and well-maintained food plots prove highly attractive to the deer in a given

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a hunter using his rangefinder

Will Deer Come Back To The Same Spot?

Many hunters find themselves elated whenever they receive a long-awaited picture of a mature buck on their trail camera. This, of course, is only natural, as a hunter’s mind spins at light speed, contemplating the

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