KESHES Archery Recurve Bow 62″ Review 2025

an holds recurve bow

Korean bowmaker Samick is known for its superb quality. The KESHES recurve bow is connected with exactly those same manufacturers Samick uses to keep the build quality equal. This a take down recurve with the limb replacement an absolute no-brainer.

And not only is the KESHES lightweight but for the money it’s quite a looker and I love the grip shape. It’s available in left or right hand and is a round edge riser. Different sourced woods combined within the KESHES riser gives it a classic look. This bow is perfect for the beginner looking to enter the sport, or as a step up from a youth bow. Also great for a beater travel bow so you don’t have to worry about getting it dinged up.

KESHES Takedown Recurve Bow and Arrow...

Pros & Cons


  • Lightweigth
  • Grows with the archer
  • Smooth draw
  • Takedown feature
  • Great customer service
  • Compatible with Samick limbs


  • Might want to look into another arrow rest
  • Nocking points not included
  • Cheap site

First Impression

My first thought upon handling this bow was, “This bow is perfect for beginners”. It is a takedown bow so you’ll have to attach the limbs yourself. That was not a problem because the knob screws (no additional tools needed) made it an easy job. They offer anything from 15-60 pound limbs all in 5 pound increments so you get pretty exact with your draw weight. You could even get a low poundage practice set of limbs and then upgrade to heavier limbs when needed.

If you are just looking to get into shooting targets or going to the range than this bow is perfect. At 62″ in length it could be a little long for a short archer but that extra length will help in stability and forgiveness. Overall, the KESHES Recurve Bow hits a sweet spot for price and quality. Its a great backup bow or even just a stand in family bow that everyone can use.

KESHES Takedown Recurve Bow and Arrow...
KESHES Takedown Recurve Bow and Arrow...
KESHES Takedown Recurve Bow and Arrow...


  • Draw weights: 15 – 55 lbs.
  • Bow Length: 62″
  • Weight: 3 lbs.
  • Riser: Wooden
  • Limbs: Wooden and layered with black fiberglass

Included In The Package

  • Wood Riser 
  • Your choice of limbs
  • Dacron bowstring (14 strands)
  • Stringer tool     
  • Stick on arrow rest
  • Full eye sight set

A Great Beginners Takedown Bow

If you ever wanted to change the draw weight, maybe because your daughter/son has outgrown the bow a bit, having a takedown bow is a huge advantage. Buy a new set of limbs and swap them for the old; no need to buy a new riser. Theoretically your whole family could use just one bow but each with their own special limbs. You wouldn’t want to, of course, cause you’ll want to shoot together.

It’s easy and fast to put together. Keep it stored and put up before target practice, saving you space. The necessary tool for an easy and safe way to string your bow is already included in this package. Just screw in the limbs, get the string attached, and set the brace height.

Pre-installed threaded Brass Bushings are already installed for any type of upgrades you may want. Brass Plungers, Stabilizers, Sights, Quivers, heck even a bow fishing reel can be screwed right in and utilized.

What to Watch Out For

The site that comes with the bow is crap. The good news is that you can easily replace it. It sucks they cheaped out here but at this price point something has to give. For new archers, the KESHES takedown recurve bow offers great value. With an eye catching design, respectable shooting power, and wide draw weight range it’s the perfect starter recurve.

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