Difference Between Eastern Turkey and Osceola Turkey

a hen and her turkey poult

Differentiating between Eastern Turkey and Osceola Turkey is critical to refining your hunting skills. Each turkey species has unique characteristics, from vocal responses to behavior towards decoys. Eastern turkeys are generally more receptive to raspy calls, whereas Osceola turkeys often prefer a more subdued approach. For decoy strategies, Osceola gobblers tend to be more committed. …


Best Food Plots for Turkeys

two turkey on a meadow

Creating a compelling food plot for turkeys is like crafting the perfect meal. The right mix can significantly enhance turkey activity on your land. This guide focuses on top choices for experienced bowhunters: clover and milo for attracting turkeys and insects and winter wheat and alfalfa for consistent nourishment. We’ll also explore why your plot …


What Time Do Turkeys Come Off The Roost?


Ah, the age-old question that’s been haunting turkey hunters since the dawn of time (or at least since turkeys have been hunted): what time do turkeys come off the roost? After countless early mornings spent in camo, sipping on lukewarm coffee, and listening to the woods come alive, I reckon it’s time to share my …


Best Broadhead For Turkey Hunting 2025

picture of a wild turkey

Those that take on the immense challenge of bowhunting turkey know all too well the value of a quality broadhead. Luckily, a substantial number of specialized turkey broadheads can be found in today’s market, all of which are engineered to provide deadly performance when striving to quickly, cleanly, and efficiently dispatch a turkey. However, with …


Spring Turkey Season: A Year Of Lessons Learned

two turkey on a meadow

Hunting of any type comes with several inherent challenges. Your ability to overcome these challenges often serves as the difference between success and an unfilled tag. However, try as we might, the game that we pursue occasionally gets the better of us. Though trying, such circumstances serve as teachable moments, through which the studious hunter …


Where Do Turkeys Sleep?

A Turkey in the meadow in the woods surrounded by greenery

With turkey season fast approaching for us hunters, it is only natural to find ourselves with a certain level of curiosity regarding the habits of the wild turkey as a whole. This is especially true for younger or less experienced hunters, who wish to learn as much as possible about the species of game that …


Tips For Turkey Hunting In The Rain

rain turkey hunting tips

When hunting turkey during the spring of the year, the weather is typically anything but predictable. Across much of the nation, turkey season is accompanied by persistent rain showers, which can often discourage those seeking to fill their tags. Although hunting turkey in the rain certainly comes with its own inherent challenges, significant success can …


What Is A Group of Turkeys Called?

a group of wild turkeys on a meadow

Turkeys are hunted in 49 States and three Canadian Provinces. But do you know what a group of turkeys is called? You probably have heard the terms “gang,” “rafter,” or “flock” when referring to a group of turkeys. But what is the correct term? Well, that depends on if you are talking about domestic turkeys …


6 Top Turkey Scouting Tips To Increase Your Success This Season

a group of turkeys in the wild

The onset of spring brings a wealth of opportunity for the avid bowhunter. As temperatures start to warm, and the spring green-up begins, many bowhunters head afield in search of turkey hunting success. This pursuit is not only enjoyable but also serves as an excellent test of one’s bowhunting prowess. However, a successful turkey season …


Common Turkey Hunting Mistakes

A rooster

Turkey hunting is an experience like none other. The longer you hunt, the more you learn, and even the most experienced of turkey hunters learn something new every season. The learning curve experienced by new turkey hunters can be quite vast. However, by knowing how to avoid the most common turkey hunting mistakes, you will …


Where To Shoot A Turkey With A Bow

a man carrying a dead turkey

There is something absolutely magnificent about listening to turkeys gobbling from their roost as the sun appears above the horizon on a crisp, cool spring morning. Anticipation runs rampant as one by one, turkeys depart from their roost trees and begin to forage about.  With any luck, you will soon be presented with the shot …


6 Tips For Taking A Late Season Tom

a turkey call and a turkey on the grass

Turkey hunting definitely comes with its fair share of challenges, the bulk of which must be successfully navigated to fill one’s tag. In truth, spring turkey hunting is anything but predictable.  As such, adaptability is key to making the most out of any such outing. However, even then, one still faces their share of tough …


5 Tips For Pre-Turkey Season Archery Practice

a flock of turkeys on a field

With turkey season just around the corner in most states, many avid bowhunters have begun preparing for what lies ahead. For most archers, this involves preparing all necessary equipment and diving headlong into a strategic scouting routine. However, far fewer archers recognize the value of diligent pre-turkey season practice. When turkey hunting, shot opportunities can …


2020 National Wildlife Turkey Federation Convention

National Wildlife Turkey Federation Convention Entrance

Impact-Site-Verification: -1449795532 If you are a die-hard turkey hunter, the annual NWTF Convention in Nashville, Tennessee is a sight to behold. Hosted at the spacious Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center, this yearly gathering was a full-on celebration of hunting, both for turkey and other forms of game. Every February, an abundance of call makers, …
