What is the best salt lick for deer? This question has been on the minds of many hunters. Deer are naturally attracted to mineral sites and salt licks, so it’s no wonder many products are available in stores and online.
But how do you know which one is best for your hunting needs?
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ToggleIt comes down to product aroma and palatability – or how deer perceive these two attributes. If they find the site appealing, they will come near it, and if they like what they smell when they get close enough, that’s a winner!
I personally used Antler King Hi Protein Big Buck Block for a couple of years – With great success! I recommend this product to anyone who wants to make their hunting more successful.
When Should You Provide Supplements?
The native environment should provide deer with what they need. But sometimes, due to soil quality, weather patterns, or other factors, deer may not get an appropriate balance of minerals. This can lead to immune system problems and poor reproductive performance.
Before you improve herd nutrition by supplemental feeding- check if you are legally allowed to do so in your area!
I will get into the details of each product further down the article. If you´re here to get some quick recommendations, this is my list of the five products I believe to be the best.
At a Glance: Our Recommended Salt Licks and Deer Mineral Blocks for Deer
+ BEST OVERALL – Antler King Hi Protein Big Buck Block. The block is a highly palatable, high-protein deer attractant that I personally use and recommend for anyone who wants to see deer near their stand on opening day!
+ BEST VALUE – Whitetail Institute 30-06 Mineral. Specifically designed for supplementation during antler growth.
+ HIGHEST NUTRIENT – Trophy Rock All Natural Mineral. If you are searching for a mineral that provides year-round nutritional supplementation for the deer in your area, look no further than Trophy Rock All Natural Mineral.
+ WELL-ROUNDED COMPOSITION – Ani-Mineral Block. This supplement boosts overall herd health by promoting increased disease immunity, antler growth, and general health.
+ MOST ATTRACTION – Lucky Buck Mineral. This can save hunters a significant sum of money, as there is no need to base reapplication dates upon unpredictable weather fronts.
Top-Tier Deer Minerals Licks and Salt Licks for Deer 2025
BEST OVERALL – Antler King Hi Protein Big Buck Block Deer Lick
Antler King is no stranger to deer nutrition, as they have stood as a leader in the field for several years now.
The company’s products are designed to not only attract deer but to supplement their nutritional needs in a way that few other products on today’s market can.
Antler King’s Hi Protein Big Buck Block is no exception to this rule and offers substantial value.
- Weight: 25 Pounds
- It contains 27 vitamins, amino acids, and minerals for optimal nutrition
- Includes a yeast culture to assist in digestion
- It is ideally suited for use in the spring, summer, and early fall months
I have personally used the Antler King Hi Protein Big Buck Block for several years to great success. When this block is offered along heavily trafficked trails, deer find it almost immediately. In most cases, deer will wallow out an area in the ground around this block as they take advantage of every last bit of nutrition.
The Antler King Hi Protein Big Buck Block contains 27 different vitamins, amino acids, and individual trace minerals, which enhance antler growth and maximize herd health.
This product also contains a specialized yeast culture that assists in the overall efficiency of digestion. Read our article about planting turnips for deer here.
Best Value – Whitetail Institute 30-06 Mineral Lick
Whitetail Institute is yet another well-respected name within the deer nutrition industry and has offered its proprietary 30-06 Mineral blend to the masses for quite some time.
This specialized formula contains several vitamins and minerals that are known to enhance antler growth, as well as overall body mass, making its use ideal in virtually any situation.
- Weight: 20 Pounds
- Specifically designed for supplementation during antler growth
- Providing ample nutrition for lactating does
- Promotes healthier deer body weights
Whitetail Institute 30-06 Mineral contains the company’s renowned Antler Up D3 supplement, which increases natural phosphorus and calcium uptake.
This mineral is also highly palatable, as it includes scent and flavor enhancers, which also provide a significant level of attraction.

The first step is to do an analysis of the soil. Then you can make a plan about developing a food plot or native-plant fertilization. This is especially important in areas with low soil fertility.
Darren Webster
Senior Editor, BowAddicted
Highest Nutrient Content – Trophy Rock All Natural Mineral Deerlick
If you are searching for a mineral that provides year-round nutritional supplementation for the deer in your area, look no further than Trophy Rock All Natural Mineral.
This product contains a total of 65 different macro and micro minerals to adequately provide for every nutritional need of the deer in a given area.
The sum of these minerals sets the stage perfectly for optimal antler growth.
Hunters and land managers can also rest easy knowing that Trophy Rock All Natural Mineral is safe for consumption by all forms of wildlife, no matter the time of the year.
- Weight:12 pounds
- Provides 4 seasons, 365 days a year supplementation
- It is completely natural in composition and will not adversely affect any form of wildlife
- It contains over 65 highly beneficial ingredients.
This product is 100% natural and is mined from actual mineral deposits in the United States.
Most Well-Rounded Composition – Ani-Logics Deer Mineral Licks
Ani-Logics, as a company, has come on relatively strong in the past 5+ years and has developed a reputation for composing scientific-based solutions for nutritional shortfalls within wild whitetail deer herds.
With the introduction of the new Ani-Mineral block, hunters are afforded a simpler means of transporting this high-grade nutrition to the areas where they hunt.
- Weight: 20 pounds
- It comes in easy to-carry block form.
- Enhances antler growth and disease immunity
- Includes a comprehensive array of vitamins and minerals
Calcium | Min | 10% |
Calcium | Max | 12% |
Phosphorus | Min | 3% |
Salt | Min | 30% |
Salt | Max | 32% |
Magnesium | Min | 1,5% |
Selenium | Min | 18.0ppm |
Copper | Min | 521.0ppm |
Zinc | Min | 1710.0ppm |
Manganese | Min | 1514.0ppm |
Vitamin A | Min | 50,000IU/lb |
Vitamin D | Min | 11,000IU/lb |
Vitamin E | Min | 125IU/lb |
The Ani-Logics Ani-Mineral Block contains Copper, Zinc, Selenium, and Manganese in combination with the company’s Ani-Shield TX4 supplement.
This supplement boosts overall herd health by promoting increased disease immunity, antler growth, and general health.
Most Attraction – Lucky Buck Mineral Licks
No products found.
Lucky Buck Mineral is an immensely nutritious yet highly attractive way to supplement deer in any area. This mineral offers extreme attraction and palatability due to the infusion of intense apple flavoring.
However, overconsumption is minimized due to the use of proprietary ingredients that are introduced for the purpose of extending the life of every bucket.
- Weight: 20 pounds
- Completely impervious to all forms of moisture
- It comes in a convenient bucket for easy transportation.
- Features highly attractive apple aroma
Impending rain or snow is of no ill effect to Lucky Buck Mineral, as it is impervious to water spoilage.
This can save hunters a significant sum of money, as there is no need to base reapplication dates upon unpredictable weather fronts.
read.. When do Deer stop using mineral blocks
Why Do Deer Like Mineral Blocks?
Deer naturally crave many of the ingredients that are commonly found within mineral blocks. This is especially true regarding salt, as a simple salt lick alone will often draw deer from nearby areas.
These cravings typically result in recurring trips to any area where these minerals can be found with regularity.
Deer rely upon these minerals most heavily during the spring, summer, and early fall. During this time of the year, both bucks and does face a deficit in key nutrients.
For bucks, this is due to the nutritional draw that is required for antler growth. For does, this deficiency stems from the consistent nursing of fawns. In both cases, deer seek out mineral sites to replenish their systems.
Mineral Blocks Vs. Salt Licks for Deer
For many hunters, the difference between mineral blocks and salt licks can be confusing.
The following will help you differentiate between the two and assist you in utilizing both in the most beneficial ways.
Mineral Block – Spring, Summer, and early Fall
Mineral blocks offer more than the standard salt content in salt licks and can appeal to the deer of a given area.
You can use mineral blocks throughout the spring, summer, and early fall, as their use not only supplements deer through these times of peak nutrient requirement but assists in forming huntable patterns as well.
Salt Lick for Deer – Off-Season
A salt lick differs from a mineral lick because it seldom includes additional attractants or mineral content.
Salt blocks consist almost entirely of salt, which is beneficial to deer during the spring and summer.
Since these blocks do not necessarily offer any additional attraction, they are best used in the off-season as a free choice supplement.
Name | When to Use? | Weight | Price |
Antler King Big Buck Block | Spring/Summer/early Fall | 25 pounds | check price |
Whitetail Institute | Spring/Summer/early Fall | 20 pounds | check price |
Trophy Rock | 365 days a year | 12 pounds | check price |
Ani-Mineral Block | Spring/Summer/early Fall | 20 pounds | check price |
Lucky Buck Mineral | 365 days a year | 20 pounds | check price |
Where Should You Put A Mineral Lick?
Mineral blocks are best placed along trails from bedding cover to favored food sources.
This allows deer to become accustomed to making daily stops at such a site and provides a hunter with an excellent location on which to base their efforts.
Mineral Blocks are also highly effective when placed close to viable, year-round water sources.
If you are looking for the best deer mineral block or salt lick, check out my overall top pick, the Antler King Hi Protein Big Buck Block, and any other great products on this list.

How Can You Make A DIY Deer Mineral Block?
Many hunters wonder if they can make their own mineral block. The short answer to this question is yes.
While homemade mineral blocks are not likely to be as tightly packed or weather-resistant as production-grade blocks, they can be made.
Homemade Deer Mineral Licks Recipe
- 1-Cup of sugar
- 1-Cup of oats
- 1-Cup of whole corn
- Even parts of livestock mash
- Even parts of dehydrated molasses
- 1-Cup vegetable oil
- 1-Cup corn syrup
- Choose a Suitable Container: Begin by locating a container that is of the appropriate volume for the size of the mineral block that you wish to create. Additionally, prepare a round dish for your ingredients to cure within.
- Mix Dry Ingredients: You will now introduce all of the dry ingredients listed for this recipe into your initial container. Mix livestock mash and dehydrated molasses in equal parts until this container has been topped off.
- Pour Into Round Dish: Next, you will pour all of the previously mentioned ingredients into a round mixing bowl. Once this is complete, add the appropriate measure of vegetable oil and corn syrup to the contents within, and stir thoroughly.
- Cure Mix: With all of your ingredients in place, you will now place your pan into the oven, where it will cook at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.
- Pack Into Form and Cool: Once your mixture has cured in the oven, carefully scoop all of the dish’s contents back into the original container. It often helps to lightly coat the inside of this container with vegetable oil. Pack the mixture tightly in this container, and place it into the refrigerator overnight. By the following morning, this mixture will have hardened into a final product.
What To Look For In A Quality Deer Mineral Lick
The following are key characteristics of a quality mineral block or salt lick, which should be kept in mind.
1. Well-Rounded Nutrition
It is immensely important for a quality mineral block or salt lick to offer significant nutritional value to the deer of a given area.
This is just one of the many reasons that we cannot get enough of the Trophy Rack All Natural Block, which contains a total of 65 individual micro and macro minerals.
2. Easy On The Stomach
Another feature to look for when shopping for a mineral block or salt lick is the addition of ingredients to aid in digestion and nutrient uptake.
When ingredients of this nature are included, deer are able to make the best possible use of the nutrients that they are consuming.
The yeast compound found in the Antler King Hi Protein Big Buck Block illustrates this perfectly.
3. Unavoidable Attraction
For deer to make the most use of a mineral block or salt lick, it must be attractive enough to catch their attention.
Much of this matter comes down to a product’s aroma and palatability. This is one reason that we love Lucky Buck Mineral. This mineral features a strong apple aroma that whitetails cannot resist.
Which Mineral Lick for Deer or Salt Licks for Deer is Best?
After carefully studying all of the products on this list, I feel that the Antler King Hi Protein Big Buck Block is the best mineral block on the market today, with the Trophy Rack All Natural Block coming in as a not-so-distant runner-up.
The Antler King Hi Protein Big Buck Block offers the perfect blend of nutrition, attraction, digestibility, and weather resistance. This keeps deer healthier and helps you achieve your desired success this season.
If you are searching for the best deer mineral block or salt lick, check out the Antler King Hi Protein Big Buck Block.
Conversation | 2 comments:
This is so great and exactly what I’ve been looking for! The breakdown between all of them will definitely help me figure out what I should put down in my area. I do have a quick question to make sure I understood you correctly, are you recommending putting a combination of mineral blocks and salt licks depending on the time of year? Thanks again for sharing!
It can be quite productive to provide both mineral blocks and salt licks at any one given time on a free-choice basis. Mineral sites provide key nutrients that deer crave during various times of the year, most notably in the spring, summer, and early fall. However, salt licks provide an excellent means of surveying your deer herd during the greater portion of the year. Deer naturally crave salt intake and will return time and time again to salt licks in a bid to satisfy this craving. This creates a wonderful opportunity to use a trail camera when taking inventory of the deer in your hunting area.