A list of outdoor hobbies to try and the benefits of them.
The great outdoors is one of our world’s most beautiful and underappreciated parts. So many of us spend our lives indoors and forget how beautiful being in nature can be.
Fresh air is incredibly good for you, and being outdoors is fantastic for your physical and mental health.
It is easy to forget about the great natural world when we’re stuck indoors staring at screens all day. But, if you spend a lot of time scrolling through photos and videos of travel accounts on Instagram and TikTok, it might be time to get out and about yourself.
This is especially important if you live in a city or urban area. Pollution is terrible for the health of the planet but also the health of the people.
Even if you can only get to a local park or green space, it will do you the world of good.
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ToggleBenefits of Having A Hobby
We are all encouraged to have a hobby when we are children. But this is often forgotten when we reach adulthood and work, bills, rent, children, and general life get in the way.
But, if you can carve out just thirty minutes to an hour a week to spend on a hobby, you will experience many benefits.
Physical Benefits
This is the most obvious benefit of outdoor activity such as shooting your compound bow (read.. the best compound bows reviewed). But it is especially useful if you want to get more physically fit. Moving your body, even just a little, is incredibly important for both your short-term and long-term health.
But not everyone enjoys heading to the gym for a dedicated workout session. This can be difficult and boring if you don’t enjoy working out.
One of the things people speak of most commonly when it comes to physical activity is weight management. While it is important to maintain a healthy weight, it shouldn’t be your primary focus.
If you focus on weight loss or building muscle, you might not enjoy the activity as much as you would. It’s best to think of these as potentially beneficial side effects.
Physical movement helps to strengthen your body, make you more flexible, improve agility, improve your cardiovascular health, reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and make you feel more awake and alive.
Mental & Emotional Benefits
This is a benefit that a lot of skeptics don’t believe. A lot of people think that they don’t like physical activity because they can only imagine doing it in the gym or have bad memories from intense school gym classes.
As mentioned above, many people see physical activity as only done to lose weight or maybe build muscle.
But that is definitely not the most important thing. Being outside and moving your body can make you feel amazing. You don’t have to run on a treadmill for twenty minutes to feel the benefit.
Enjoying some time with your kids, and practicing target archery in your backyard (read.. the best beginner bows reviewed) will bring you more joy than some monotonous activity inside.
When you exercise, your body releases endorphins. These are the hormones in your body that relieve stress and pain. Exercise also causes your body to produce dopamine, often called the “happiness hormone.”
Exercise can make you feel wide awake and full of life. This can make you feel happy and appreciative of what your body can do.
Some people dismiss the idea that physical exercise can help with mental health, but it really is true. The main problem, especially for depression and anxiety, is being able to get up and start moving in the first place.
So, if you can, standing outside somewhere peaceful for a few minutes is a great place to start.
Can Improve Your Creativity
This is a surprising benefit of physical activity. Anyone with a creative hobby or job knows that inspiration and creativity can come in huge peaks and troughs.
Going for a hike, pitching up in a woodland, or just being out in nature can provide you with some amazing inspiration.
This ties in with the mental and emotional benefits above. Physical activity, especially outdoors, can wake your brain up and flood your body with hormones and chemicals that make you feel amazing. This can give you more physical and mental energy, which can help you be more creative.
The natural world has always been a great source of inspiration for artists, writers, and poets.
So, it is no surprise that being outdoors can help inspire you creatively. However, combining the great outdoors with physical activity can improve the experience.
Can Help You Make New Friends
Joining a local group is a great way to make new friends. Making friends as an adult can be difficult, especially if you’re recently out of school or college. Joining a hiking group is one of the best ways to find like-minded people who enjoy being outdoors.
Joining a sports team is also a great idea. Playing soccer or football on a field still counts as being outdoors! Moving in the fresh air surrounded by greenery will do wonders for you.
When exercising, especially in team sports, you bond with other people as you need to work together.
This is a great way to build relationships and friendships with other people. This is especially useful if you have difficulty approaching people you want to be friends with. It will give you something to talk about, and you will naturally become friends in an unforced way.
Can Make You More Knowledgeable
When you take up a hobby, you will quickly become fascinated with everything associated with it. This can be the history of a sport, the benefits of an activity, or perhaps even how to begin competing.
Once you find something you enjoy, you want to know everything there is to know about it. You will find yourself researching the best hiking shoes, the helmet for horseback riding, or how best to position yourself when cycling uphill.
You can become an expert on something you never knew anything about. This is even more fun when you start a hobby outdoors, as you will become more knowledgeable about the world around you.
You can explore the woodlands and climb mountains. Or you can learn which nuts and berries are safe to eat (and which aren’t!) and discover places you never knew existed.
It will open up a new world of friendship, fun, and information you didn’t know existed. It’s a great way to open up your world and switch up your everyday life.
Helps to De-stress
When you’re feeling worked up and stressed, you might feel like you don’t have the time to get outdoors and move around. But it can be just the thing to help calm you down and work through your problems.
As mentioned above, physical activity causes the body to release endorphins, which help to reduce pain and stress. When you’re stressed, your body begins to release adrenaline.
This gives you a huge rush of energy that isn’t always helpful. It’s an evolutionary feature that would be useful if you are, for example, trying to escape from an animal.
But it isn’t helpful when looking at a big list of emails and feeling overwhelmed.
Staring at the problem and thinking about how stressed it is making you won’t help. Taking a break from the problem and going for a walk, cycling around the park, or even going horseback riding and allowing the horse to gallop as fast as it wants are great ways to eliminate the energy caused by the adrenaline rush.
Once you have eliminated the adrenaline, you can return to whatever makes you feel stressed.
You will feel more peaceful for being outdoors, less anxious because you have burned off the adrenaline, and in a better mood as your body releases dopamine and endorphins.
You will feel much better; because of this, you will be in a better position to work through whatever you feel stressed about.
List Of Outdoor Hobbies
Hustle culture is consuming a lot of people. We are taught to work as much as we can, even having multiple jobs alongside our main full-time jobs.
This is a problem because of low wages and a lack of full-time and permanent jobs, but it is also due to people being made to feel as though they always need to be busy.
But always being busy is not good for you. Try and think of the last time you did nothing. The last time you sat on a patch of grass and enjoyed the smell of nearby flowers or watched the clouds go by above you.
This is a surprisingly difficult thing to do.
So, if you want to spend more time away from a screen, there are plenty of ways to stay outdoorsy.
Here are some great hobbies you can start participating in right now:
Camping is a great way to dip your toe into the great outdoors. You don’t have to do anything too strenuous, but you can become more accustomed to being outdoors.
Camping is also a great way to try out lots of different activities. If you go to a dedicated campsite, there will likely be many different events and activities to get involved in.
This is great for beginners as many other people at the campsite will also be new to the activities.
One of the main reasons why people don’t get involved with something physical is the fear of not knowing what to do and embarrassing themselves in front of experienced people.
But at a campsite, many people will say, “Why not?” and get involved. So you can have a go with a bunch of other rookies.
Camping is also great if you want to explore different places, especially if you’re interested in hiking. For many people, especially those in cities, it’s difficult to find somewhere to hike.
Even if you have local green spaces or parks, they aren’t the same as the great outdoors. They are great if you can’t go anywhere else, but heading out of the city is always a good idea if you can.
On that note, hiking is another easy activity to get involved with. You don’t need any experience or special gear (although some hiking boots or tough sneakers are a good idea). You will need to take a map (depending on the signal for GPS), and a water bottle, and that’s it.
There are also many different hiking trails, so you don’t have to worry about your abilities. If you go to a national park, the difficulty of the different routes will usually be marked or color-coded. So you can choose an easy route to get you started.
Hiking is an especially great way to get fit as you won’t be thinking much about the activity itself. You will, of course, feel tired and out of breath sometimes.
But you will mostly be struck by the beautiful scenery and landscapes around you. The tired feet and blisters will all be worth it to see the beauty of nature.
Hiking is also great for making friends. You can join local hiking groups and go hiking with lots of different people. As hiking doesn’t require much concentration or get you too out of breath, you can chat with the people with you.
This is a great way to form a bond with someone. If you end up with someone experienced, you have a friend to answer any questions you might have and make you feel more comfortable.
If you end up with another newbie, you can band together and be the new ones. Or both!
If you want to be outdoors but don’t want to be too active, then photography is a great hobby. If you have a camera, that’s great.
But you don’t need anything fancy to get started. There’s a good chance that the camera on your phone will be good enough to take some nice photos.
Using the camera on your phone will help you to understand perspective, depth, and scope. Practicing with your phone before investing in an expensive camera is a good idea.
Photography isn’t necessarily an activity without any exercise. You might find yourself hiking or climbing to specific spots to take photos to get a good workout still.
But the great thing about photography is that it is entirely your choice. You don’t have to run about or push yourself to your limits to enjoy the great outdoors.
This is a great option if you don’t want to spend time outdoors with other people. It doesn’t have to be, but photography can be a very isolated experience. If you want to get outdoors to experience some peace and quiet, then photography is a great option.
It can be difficult to first step outside and gain peace of mind. Especially if your thoughts are all swirling around your brain. Photography will give you something to focus on while you’re in a peaceful place and help you work toward enjoying being alone in nature.

Fishing is another activity that you can do alone or with other people. A lot of people avoid this hobby since it often includes killing the fish. But you also have the option of throwing the fish back.
You can build a backyard pond and keep all the fishes you catch. Fish feel pain and fear when caught and released, so this should be borne in mind.
One of the main reasons why people go fishing is the bonding experience. It is a traditional hobby for men to go fishing together, usually fathers and sons.
But, of course, there is no reason to gender such a hobby. But it is still a very male-dominated hobby, making it seem closed off to women.
This is a problem in a lot of outdoor pursuits. They are often portrayed as being only suited for certain people. But that isn’t the case. This is another great reason to join outdoor groups so you can join people like you who will help you to feel more comfortable.
Fishing is often perceived as quite a sedentary activity but this doesn’t have to be the case. It will allow you to spend long periods waiting for a fish to bite, and you can spend this time sitting down.
But this depends on the type of fishing you do. If you would rather wade into a river to fish, then you will need to hold firm against the current, which will help you build up a great deal of physical strength. You will also move a lot when casting the line and pulling your catch.
Airsofting is an activity that not many people are aware of. Airsoft is a game similar to paintball, but you use plastic projectiles instead of paint (or the real bullets used in real guns).
Before beginning this activity, checking its legality in your area is important. The law varies from state to state and country to country, but some areas have banned the activity due to the resemblance of airsoft rifles to real guns.
This is important to consider before starting as you might not be comfortable with the guns yourself.
Airsofting is an activity where you will be outdoors and exercising without even realizing it. This is because you will have a different focus while trying to win the game.
This means you might not even realize you are tired and out of breath until you finish the game. This is great if you find it difficult to focus on working out.
Another benefit of airsoft is that you will work in a team with others. This can help you to develop great communication and teamwork skills, and maybe even make some new friends.
Rock climbing is a hobby that has become a lot more popular in recent years. This includes rock climbing outdoors on actual rock faces, rock climbing on specifically constructed walls outdoors, and bouldering.
Bouldering is a slightly different activity that involves climbing up boulders and rock faces that are less flat than traditional rock climbing. It also doesn’t include harnesses and so is a little riskier than climbing.
Rock climbing is a great way to get in a workout and really feel as though you have achieved something afterward. Once you have reached as far as possible, you can abseil down and see how far you got.
This will get higher over time and you can easily track your progress. You can also time yourself to see how fast you climb each time and gradually work toward more difficult routes.
Rock climbing is a great workout. Even if you are wearing a harness, you are still pulling yourself up. This will primarily target your arms and abdominal muscles, but will also help to build muscle and strength in your legs. Rock climbing is a great full-body workout.
This is another activity that will help you to build friendships and bond with other people. You will need to climb with other people who will be supporting you and holding your ropes on the ground.
Rock climbing is a great trust exercise that will help you feel more confident about your abilities and learn to work with and trust others.
Horseback Riding
Horseback riding is another sport that many people feel excluded from. This is primarily due to how expensive it is to buy and own a horse and the elitism associated with it. But this doesn’t have to be the case. There are plenty of stables with affordable riding lessons.
It might initially seem a little intimidating, especially if you feel nervous around large animals. Horseback riding can definitely be a dangerous hobby, but stables won’t give a newbie a horse that isn’t gentle or slow.
A lot of people argue that horseback riding isn’t really a sport as the horse is doing most of the work. This isn’t completely untrue as the horse is doing a lot.
But that doesn’t mean the rider is just sitting there. Horseback riding requires a lot of leg and core strength. It also requires a lot of coordination and spatial awareness. As well as, to an extent, the ability to understand animals and sense their feelings.
Recognizing when a horse is becoming skittish and might bolt is important. These are all skills that you can learn through horseback riding.
Horseback riding can be either a solo or social activity. If you are in a position to buy your own horse, then just the two of you spending time together can be incredibly peaceful and fun. Just like humans and other animals, horses need regular exercise, so going riding every day is a good idea.
This means you can have an hour or so daily for just you and your horse. You will be surprised by the relationship you will develop with your horse. It is a bond that people will feel with any pet, but there is something very special about the relationship between a horse and their rider.
Team Sports
Getting involved in team sports is something that most of us associate with school, so we don’t consider it as an option in adulthood.
The general assumption is that if you haven’t become a professional by the time you leave high school, then you might as well give it up. But this doesn’t have to be the case.
Team sports, such as football, hockey, basketball, and soccer, are great forms of exercise. As mentioned above, playing with a team will help you make friends and bond with others.
You will also be flexing your critical thinking skills. You will need to consider which route to take, when to pass and who to, and your aim when trying to score (depending on the position you play).
Cycling is another fun but also practical activity. You can go for bike rides through woodland and countryside during the weekend and then cycle to and from work during the week. This is a great way to sneak some outdoor activity into your daily life.
It’s also an eco-friendly way to commute and is especially useful if you work in an office and sit down for a lot of your working day.
Cycling can also be a competitive activity. If you train regularly, you might even be able to take part in cycling races or triathlons (if you also enjoy swimming and running). Cycling is fantastic for you as a way of exercising. Cycling is a cardio workout that will benefit your cardiovascular health and help to keep you fit and healthy.
Because you are essentially pushing along a metal machine, cycling is also great for toning. The legs will be the most targeted area, but the abdominal and arm muscles will also get a workout too.
Whether you will be going for fun family bike rides or intense long-distance street racing, cycling is an endurance sport. This can help you develop your focus and concentration as you only have one task to focus on when cycling.
Wild Swimming
Wild swimming has become very popular in recent years. Especially due to the wide-ranging health benefits of cold water swimming.
Cold water swimming can help with weight loss, boost your immune system, and even help ease anxiety. Going in the mornings can also be incredibly useful as the cold water awakens you. It is an incredibly exhilarating thing to do.
But, you don’t always have to dive into icy waters. And you might be lucky enough to live somewhere with access to warm wild water.
Swimming in these waters is still great for you, as swimming has a wide range of health benefits and is a great full-body workout. Just remember to check your local laws around wild swimming and don’t enter any water that could be dangerous.
Archery is something that we might associate more with historical movies than weekend activities. But it is a super fun sport to get involved with. Developing the ability to shoot an arrow well will take a lot of time and patience.
But it is an incredibly fun activity (not just because it will make you feel as though you’re the hero in a historical movie).
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Archery requires a lot of discipline, practice, and good equipment. These are important skills in all parts of life, so regularly attending archery lessons can help develop these. Archery can also help to improve hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness.
Overall, it is impossible to say that getting into the great outdoors isn’t a good thing. It is beneficial for both your physical and mental health.
And it will also allow you to reconnect with nature, which many of us who live and work in towns and cities often lose out on.
If you’re trying to spend more time outdoors, getting into physical activity or hobby is one of the best ways. You can meet new people and get involved with something you have always wanted to do but haven’t had the opportunity.
Being outdoors and moving your body are essential parts of being healthy. So combining these is a good idea.