Archery Speed Shooting Techniques

longbow and arrow

Archery is an ancient skill that has been around for centuries. It requires patience, practice, and skill. One of the most exciting aspects of archery is speed shooting. Medieval archers were able to shoot arrows at an astonishing rate. The archery speed shooting techniques, as well as the archery equipment, have dramatically changed since those …


Interesting Facts About Right Handed Compound Bows

picture of the blackout epic compound bow

People are often confused about the ins and outs of using a right-handed compound bow. How does it differ from a left-handed bow? Is it possible to be a left-handed person and still use a right-handed bow? What if you’re ambidextrous? Are there any benefits to using a right-handed version over a left-handed version? The …


What Is The Fastest Arrow Ever Shot?

What Is The Fastest Arrow Ever Shot (1)

Arrows can be fired at shockingly high speeds. This is especially true when more modern and technologically innovative bows are used. For instance, compound bows, which are known for their sophisticated pulley systems, can shoot incredibly fast arrows. But what is the fastest bow ever shot? Continue reading, as you might be surprised by the …


Bow Length For Height

How to determine the bow length

Choosing which bow to purchase is undoubtedly a momentous decision for any archer. A misstep in the selection process can lead to less satisfactory accuracy and unnecessary monetary expenditure. When deciding which bow is right for you, it is valuable to consider the best bow length for height regarding correct bow fitment. Every archer is …


Best Bowstring Wax in 2025

Bowstring Wax

Proper maintenance of your bow is absolutely essential, as it extends the life of your equipment and keeps every component working as it should. One such component that must be inspected and maintained is your bowstring. At a Glance: My Recommended Bow String Wax A Wax That Keeps You In The Game I always prioritize …


Do Deer Eat Hedge Apples?

hedge apple in the wood

Osage orange, horse apple, hedge, or hedge apple tree. Those are basically just different names for the same thing. But the question is, will deer eat hedge apples? The short answer is yes. Some deer do eat hedge apples. But there is more to it. So let’s get into some of the details. I personally …


Do Olympic Archers Use Releases?

Do Olympic Archers Use Releases (2)

When it comes to the best of archery, Olympic archers have got it down. They consistently hit the bullseye and get those amazing scores we all strive for. But how exactly do they succeed at getting accurate results every single time? It’s mostly down to technique, as well as the equipment that they use. But …


5 Keys To Early Archery Season Success

deer standing in front of a tree

Archery seasons have now opened across much of the nation. This presents an extensive opportunity for hunters to go afield, in search of early-season success. However, in order to find success, one must first understand how to maximize their efficiency when hunting during these earliest weeks of season, and the special challenges which these times …


Ramcat Hydroshock Pivoting Broadhead 100 Grain


Since its founding in 2004, Pennsylvania-based broadhead manufacturer Ramcat has built a loyal following among archers and bowhunters. Our Ramcat Broadhead review starts here, and we’re going to devote some time to investigate the Ramcat Hydroshock Pivoting Broadhead. The Ramcat broadheads have a loyal following in the bowhunting community. Many of the reviews and testimonials …


Do Deer Eat Pumpkins?

a deer standing in a field of pumpkins

I received this question from a reader. I wanted to share it with you because I thought it was a good question – Would deer eat pumpkins? They sure do! This article will tell you all about the nutritional value of pumpkins and if you should feed them to deer.  Let’s get started… Do All …


How to Look up the Serial Number of your Compound Bow

Bear Paradox_4

Suppose you bought a compound bow from Craigslist, eBay, or a friend. But you don’t know its serial number and don’t know where to look? Read on – I’ve compiled a list of the leading manufacturers and where to find the serial numbers on their bows. Where is the Serial Number on a Bow? Hoyt …


Things You Need to Get Started with Barebow Archery

If you are interested in learning more about barebow archery, you should check out this blog post. Here, I will go over what you need to start practicing.  What is Barebow Archery? Barebow archery is a form of archery that involves shooting without a bow sight or any other aids (except for an arrow rest). …


Can You Overdraw A Recurve Bow?

Can You Overdraw A Recurve Bow

If you’re new to the sport of archery, it can be difficult to remember everything you need to do when you pull back the bow. You need to be standing with your feet shoulder-width apart – check. You need to grip the string with three fingers underneath the nocking point – check. When nocked to …


Where to Shoot a Goose With a Bow


Pursuing geese with archery equipment is both fun and challenging, and if done correctly, it can be just as successful as turkey hunting with the bow. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First off, you need to make sure it’s legal in your jurisdiction to hunt geese with a bow …


Should You Wax Your Bowstring?

Bowstring Wax

You just got started with archery? And now you are wondering if you should wax your bowstring? This article will explain why you need to wax your bowstring and what kind of wax works best. Before we dive into the article – here is your answer: yes! You should regularly wax your bowstring. Why is …


How To Store Your Recurve Bows

a bunch of recurve bows on bow stands

If you’re looking to buy a recurve bow, then you probably want to start thinking about storage options too. Bows require some space to keep them safe and sound. The best way to store your bow is to use a bow rack or simply two hooks. Dedicated recurve bow cases are also a good solution.  …


Choosing A Wood For Your Recurve Bow

If you are thinking about building a recurve bow, you may be wondering what type of wood is best? This is something that I have researched recently, and I have found some interesting information. Well, first off. I am not a bow maker! What you’ll find here is the information I found while researching the …


How Long Does Human Scent Last

deer with antlers

The duration for which deer can detect human scent varies and is influenced by several factors. Research indicates that deer have an incredibly sensitive sense of smell and can remember human scents for up to six months​​. However, the persistence of human scent in the woods depends on conditions such as terrain, weather, and the …


How To Nock An Arrow

a compound bow in side view

Few items in archery are of as much importance, in proportion to their size, as an arrow nock. A nock is an arrow’s lifeline to the bowstring that propels it. The attachment between the two, by proxy, is just as important as the nock itself. Through this attachment, tremendous amounts of kinetic energy are transferred, …


Bowtech Carbon Knight Specs

bowtech carbon knight picture

Released in 2013 and weighing just 3.2 lbs and with an IBO speed of 335 fps, a Bowtech Carbon Knight is one compound bow you wouldn’t mind owning. It delivers an improbable shooting and hunting experience at a fair price. It is a compact compound bow that packs a punch in a small and simple …


Best Archery Rangefinder

a picture of trees in the mountains

Optical lens manufacturers have finally begun to dial in on what bow hunters exactly want in an archery rangefinder. In the not-so-distant past, when there were very few options, we would have to consider dual-purpose gears as well and when compared, quite often they were the better choice even for hunters who solemnly restricted themselves …


What Happens When You Dry Fire A Bow

arrows and in the background some archery targets

If you have ever spent any significant amount of time around bows of various types and archery equipment in general, you have undoubtedly been warned about the dangers of dry firing a bow. Most new archers have been imparted with words of wisdom regarding this subject before ever sending their first arrow downrange. But for …


Best Bowstring Serving Tool in 2025

bowstring serving tool

Every bowhunter will occasionally have to re-serve the bowstring to fight the abrasion, which most likely occurs to the area around the nocking point. No matter if you shoot a recurve, longbow, compound, or selfbow. Soon or later the serving has to be replaced. You could either find a local string builder and let him …


Predator Archery Raptor Compound Bow Kit Review

A Hunter shooting a compound bow

The Predator Archery Raptor Compound Bow is an outstanding bow for beginners and experts alike. It’s a high-quality bow for an affordable price and is versatile for a wide range of situations. In this Review, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of this bow, our first impression, the design, and, most importantly, how it performs. …


The Best Bow Cases in 2025: Plano

a small river in the woods

Owning a bow case is vital for anyone who either wants to put their bow away safely for the winter or who travels and needs a way to store their bow safely on the road or during flights. Every bow is made from materials that shouldn’t be left out in the elements too long. A …


What is the Best Camo Pattern for Treestand Hunting

hunter in treestand aiming with bow

Have you ever wondered what the best camo pattern for treestand hunting is? Although movement is the biggest killer, camo matters too. Well, I have been thinking about this question a lot lately and decided to do some research. The latest camo definitely increases your ability to remain concealed in your tree stand.  There are …


How To Field Dress A Deer

a deer walking across a plain

You have efficiently scouted during the summer months, positioned your deer stands in superb locations, and put in your time on the stand in a relentless fashion. All of this diligent preparation and hard work has culminated in this singular climactic moment as you stand afield, viewing your successful harvest. However, as victorious as this …


How To Not Hit Your Forearm With The Bowstring

Archer takes aim at a target

One universal truth regarding archery is that at some point in time or another, virtually everyone will fall victim to the stinging slap of a bowstring coming into contact with their forearm. When this happens, aggravation and pain generally force an end to that day’s practice session, and eventual bruising is inevitable. The question of …


Best Handheld GPS For Hunting [Buyers Guide]

5 GARMIN GPS Handhelds

So you are looking for a handheld GPS for hunting? With all the technology available today, handheld electronic devices are becoming more popular than ever before. This guide will show you what features to look for in a handheld GPS device, so you get the best bang for your buck. Plus, we will talk about …


Samick Sage Bow Review 2025

picture of samick sage Recurve bow

Korean bowmaker Samick built the Sage Takedown as a budget Recurve Bow option. Any Samick Sage Takedown Recurve Bow review will mention the low price. While this bow does have some shortcomings, it offers excellent value overall. It will shoot just as well as some more expensive bows and looks good mounted on the wall. …
