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If you’re looking to buy a recurve bow, then you probably want to start thinking about storage options too. Bows require some space to keep them safe and sound. The best way to store your bow is to use a bow rack or simply two hooks. Dedicated recurve bow cases are also a good solution. 

How do you Store a Wooden Recurve Bow?

Recurve Bow Rack

If you own a wooden recurve bow and live in an area where temperatures get cold, you’ll want to consider storing your bows inside. Also, avoid moisture and humidity as much as possible. If you have access to a heated garage or basement, that would be ideal. I 100% recommend keeping the bow dry.

It’s also important to avoid storing your bow in direct sunlight. This will not necessarily cause damage to the wood but may cause discoloration of the finish.

Remember: Wooden recurve bows should be stored in a cool, dry environment away from heat sources such as radiators and heaters. They should never be left out in the sun and be unstrung. 

Use a bow rack or bow case. Some bow racks offer enough room for more than one bow. Yes, bow cases can be expensive, but they protect your bows from damage. They keep them clean and free of dust and dirt. They also help prevent moisture from getting in contact with your bow. 

What are the Best Places to Store My Recurve Bow?

Recurve Bow Rack

How To Store A Recurve Bow In Your Garage:

This might seem like a no-brainer, but many people don’t think about storing their bows indoors. However, there are benefits to doing so. For one thing, if you store your bow inside, you won’t have to worry about the elements damaging it. You can also protect it from dust and dirt.

Always store your bow in a climate-controlled area. Moisture can rust metal parts on the bow, or the bow limbs may warp over time. 

Bow Rack 

A bow rack not only looks good but also is a perfect way to store your bow. Build a custom one yourself or buy a ready-made solution. 

Recurve Bow Case 

Use a dedicated case for storing your bow. It will protect your bow and makes it easy for you to store the bow in a closet or under your bed, for example. 

Should you Store a Recurve Bow Strung?

You should not store your wooden recurve bow strung! When you string your bow, you put tension on the limbs of the bow. This means that if you don’t take the time to restring your bow after each use, you will be leaving unnecessary stress on the bow.

Therefore we recommend that you store your wooden bow unstrung. Once you’ve finished shooting, unstring and let the bow relax. Think about it like leaving a spring under stress. 

If you own a recurve bow that is not made of wood, then you can leave it strung. Newer materials such as fiberglass are more durable than traditional materials and are less likely to follow the string. 

Keep in mind: Fiberglass-laminated long- and recurve bows only need to be unstrung if you don’t expect to shoot them for a long time. Bows with all-wood laminates need to be unstrung after shooting to prevent the limbs from getting bent.

read.. longbow vs recurve bow

How to Hang a Recurve Bow on the Wall?

Here are some examples of how you could hang your recurve bow on the wall. You might want to try one of these methods. 

1) Use a Bow Rack: 

Bow Racks come in many different shapes and sizes. Some have holes drilled into them, while others are solid. The type of rack you choose depends on what kind of structure you need. A solid board will hold up better than a hole-drilled board, but they won’t allow you to move things around quickly. 

2) Hanging Your Bow with Brackets or Hocks:

You can either install hooks directly onto the wall or use brackets. I would not suggest hanging the bow by its string. I know some people are proposing to do so – I would not. 

Use a Bow Stand to Store your Recurve Bow 

Archery Bow Stand Recurve Bow Compound...

Bow Stand for Recurve Bows

If you have enough room, you could use a bow stand. Those stands are available for recurve, longbow, or compound bow models. The big difference is that stands for recurve bows attach at the bow grip, whereas compound bows are attached to their lower limb. 

How to Store a Takedown Recurve Bow

Well, if you own a takedown bow, you probably already know how to store it. Remove the strings and disassemble the bow. Or, if you instead want to hang your bow on the wall, look into the suggestions above. They include using a pegboard or hanging it with hooks.

Disassemble your Recurve Bow

parts of my takedown bow

Takedown Recurve Bow

You should always unstring a wooden recurve bow if you plan on storing it. Removing the strings helps reduce any stress placed on the limbs. If you leave your (wood) bow strung, it will continue to exert pressure on the limbs. This will eventually lead to warping and bending. Possibly ruining your precious bow. 

How NOT to Store Your Recurve Bow 

  • Never lean your bow in a corner. Resting it on its tips will cause the bow to warp over time. Also, never stack your recurve bow against another object. This could also cause damage.
  • Also, do not hang your bow from a single point. Instead, place two points where the bow hangs. That way, there will be no stress on the bow.
  • Do not store your bow in a moisture environment. Avoid temperature extremes and direct sunlight. 


Proper storage is crucial if you do not intend to use your bow over an extended period of time. Consider using a recurve bow rack to protect the bow limbs from deforming and taking damage from moisture or heat – never hang your bow vertically! 

Proper bow storage is not difficult. As with all archery gear, your bow needs storing in a dry area. A recurve bow case is a good investment. It protects your bow from humidity and other elements.

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